CARA Projects

Cara Projects (CARA) is an Irish founded internationally registered Non-Governmental Organisation that works in Kenya with a targeted focus upon Child Protection, through the operation of the Cara Girls Rescue Centre (CGRC) and through the promotion of Healthcare, Education, Gender Equality, Economic Empowerment and Sustainable Development. We are a non-denominational and non-political organisation. CARA is a registered charity in both Ireland (CHY18652) and Kenya ... The main aim of the organization is to provide support to disadvantaged mothers and children and enable them to contribute to the development of their own communities and to the country as a whole.

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Empowering Lives Through Compassionate Action

We are an Irish NGO dedicated to transforming lives in Kenya, focusing on the welfare of girls through our rescue center and community outreach programs. Join us in making a difference.

CARA believes that as an NGO working for vulnerable children’s rights, we have an absolute duty to protect this already vulnerable group from abuse, mistreatment, and exploitation from within organizations intended for their benefit.

Our mission is to actively involve people in learning about and then tackling social, political, environmental and economic challenges through an educational process in local and global communities.

Edwina Kwallah - Regional Director at CARA Projects

Click image to enlarge - Edwina promotes and is motivated by educating the African child: "Education is indeed an equaliser, let us work towards removing all barriers and hindrances that stand in the way of the African child's education".

Edwina also promotes gender advocacy and supporting localisation- meeting the Irish ambassador to Kenya

Click image to enlarge - Celebrating the African woman - Girl Boss

CARA Motto